Congratulations (almost) national champs!

Congratulations (almost) national champs!

We are so excited to share that Bridges of Glory placed second in the Ugandan track and field national championship!!!! For several years, Gentle Shepherd has sponsored the education of 125 deaf children at the Bridges of Glory school in Jinja, Uganda. All but two...
Are generic drugs inferior?

Are generic drugs inferior?

If your relative is taking brand-name prescription drugs, a switch to generic could provide significant savings. Why are brand-name drugs so expensive? It takes a lot of money and time to develop a new drug. In particular, it must be tested to show it works and is...
Celebrating 25 Years!

Celebrating 25 Years!

The other day, Leana Kail, our CEO, sent an all-staff email that is quite timely, considering that December 1 commemorates 25 years of Gentle Shepherd Hospice providing end of life care in Roanoke, Lynchburg and the surrounding communities.   From Leana…....