Gentle Shepherd is a hospice serving Roanoke and Lynchburg in Virginia.
We Live to Give.
For Gentle Shepherd Hospice founders, Don and Kim Eckenroth, this statement reflects who we are and everything we do — at the bedside and beyond. It directs our mission, the work of our team members and our ministries.
Whether we are caring for those at the end of life here in central and southwest Virginia, serving in our communities or addressing critical physical and spiritual needs of children and families in East Africa – we aspire to serve with unwavering faith, compassion and hope, in a manner that exemplifies the life and ministry of Christ.
Since the founding of Gentle Shepherd 25 years ago, Don and Kim have devoted significant time and financial resources to local causes, missions and ministries. To learn more about our community support, outreach and mission work, visit Our Living Legacy page. And if you also “Live to Give,” we invite you to partner with us for a higher purpose!
During these uncertain times, we must and will not forget that our mission and purpose is to provide our patients with the best hospice care available in a manner that exemplifies Christ’s ministry while he was on earth. This has always been our philosophy and practice, and it is our continued commitment and promise to you. Regardless of what is happening in this changing world, we will CARRY ON.

Life Africa Mission Project (LAMP)
In 2014, Gentle Shepherd Hospice and New Life Christian Ministries have joined forces to establish the Life Africa Mission Project (LAMP) in the Mbale region of Uganda. Since then, the mission has touched the lives of thousands of children and adults through nutrition programs, medical care and introducing the gospel.
With faith, unwavering dedication, steadfast leadership and consistent financial support, the mission has become a beacon of hope in rural East Uganda and a model for addressing the crippling effects of poverty and diminished natural and financial resources.
Our Community and Mission Collaborators
Life Center Ministries Africa (LCMA)
Straight Street and Street Ransom
Roanoke Rescue Mission and The
Way Forward
International Christian Centers for the Deaf (ICCD)
The Journey and Spirit FM
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Greater Virginia
Prevention Council of Roanoke / Urgent Love
Business on Mission Roanoke Valley