Partner with us for a higher purpose.
“It’s such a privilege and blessing to spend time with patients and give their caregivers a much needed break. I also enjoy visiting with them in facilities, making them smile, reminiscing, listening to their favorite musice or praying with them.”
– Debbie Szuch, volunteer (pictured below)
Gentle Shepherd Hospice volunteers provide many wonderful services including:
- Serving as a member of our “Gentle Shepherds” visiting team, which provides companionship to patients who live in residential facilities.
- Visiting with patients in their homes, perhaps reading or praying with them.
- Assisting GSH administrative and marketing staff with community events and sending cards, thank you notes or letters.
If you are interested in sharing your gifts and time with our patients and their families during a season of great need, please give us a call or email us using the form below!
Terry Dowdy, Director of Volunteers
Office: 540-989-6265

Interested in volunteering? Contact us!