Burn and fire safety

Burn and fire safety

Persons over age 65 are 2.6 times more likely than the general population to die in a home fire. That’s alarming! Older adults most often incur burns at home, typically when cooking or bathing. The most common burn injuries are from scalding hot water or...
Early-onset dementia: Money issues

Early-onset dementia: Money issues

Finances are bound to be a concern if your spouse has received a diagnosis of dementia before age 65. As in many households, your partner’s job may cover important monthly bills. And perhaps essentials such as family health insurance or retirement funding. ...
Making the most of regret

Making the most of regret

Regret tends to be one of those emotions we’d prefer not to feel. Which is unfortunate, according to researcher Brené Brown. Her point is that “regret can be a fair but tough teacher.” If we don’t let regret mire us in the past—with self-blame...
Acting as a “human guide”

Acting as a “human guide”

If the person you care for has a low-vision diagnosis, you are likely concerned about their ability to orient themselves and learn to move safely without falling or becoming injured. Many people with low vision rely on the assistance of a “human guide.”...
Skin care and aging

Skin care and aging

The skin is the body’s largest organ and its essential “armor.” To maintain good health, skin needs extra attention as we age.   The skin has three layers. Working together, they act as the body’s  shield by preventing bacteria...
Positive connections with staff

Positive connections with staff

Your loved one’s daily experience in a hospital, rehab, or assisted living community—even at home with paid home help—greatly depends on the aides who care for them. You can help ensure a good experience by building a positive relationship with those staff so...