Signature Strength: Wisdom

Signature Strength: Wisdom

Each of us has strengths . . . and, well, areas that could use improvement. As a family caregiver, you may often feel inadequate. Or guilty. Or think that you aren’t doing enough. Such negative self-assessments are common. A more balanced assessment would...
Does Mom have a drinking problem?

Does Mom have a drinking problem?

Alcohol use is on the rise among older adults. And it’s not easy to spot. Many of the signs resemble common problems of aging. And who wants to think that when Mom stumbles, for instance, it might be because of drink?! There’s a lot of shame associated...
Balance exercises to prevent falls

Balance exercises to prevent falls

If remaining independent is a goal for your older relative, bringing some balance to his or her life is essential—balance exercise, that is. All it takes is short but consistent focus for Mom or Dad to significantly reduce the chance of a fall. In one study, two...
Reducing the risk of falling

Reducing the risk of falling

Has your mother fallen recently? She’s not alone! One out of four adults 65 and over experiences a fall each year. That makes falls the leading cause of injury for older adults. Falls are serious business A few statistics: In the U.S. an older adult dies once...
Opioid addiction and serious illness

Opioid addiction and serious illness

Morphine, hydrocodone, fentanyl . . . with the opioid crisis in our country, it can be scary to hear that a frail or seriously ill relative needs this type of medicine. What are the risks of addiction? Fortunately, addiction is rarely an issue for individuals dealing...