By Don Bowles, Guest Contributor

Jeremiah 10: 10-16

Scripture gives us many insights into the character and being of God. We see in this scripture god as everlasting or eternal. We see Him as the omnipotent Creator of the universe. In His omniscient wisdom, God created the hydrological system by which the rains come to replenish His creation. Jeremiah confirms He is the God of the Covenant with Israel; for “Israel is the tribe of His inheritance.” Psalm 96:13 describes God as judge of all mankind.

There are many scriptures that describe God from a powerful point of view. Yet we can also see god from the perspective of qualities with which we as humans can identify. Let’s look at a few:

  • God grieves – Genesis 6:6
  • God becomes angry – Kings 11:9
  • God is jealous – Exodus 20:5
  • God laughs – Psalm 2:4
  • God loves – 1 John 4:8 – The scripture does not say God loves. It says “God IS love.”

The wonder of all ages is the fact that God cares for each and every one of us. 1 Peter 5:7 – “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” That verse should sink into our minds. We should allow it to be absorbed into our conscious thought patterns. It should be the first thing that enters our hearts when there are problems in our lives.

The God of ALL CREATION cares enough to hear us when we have problems. We can call on Him. We can pray and expect God to hear the cares we have. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO GOD.

Prayer: Lord, when I consider who You are, I tremble in awe before You. You have all authority; but You have chosen to love me not because of who I am; but because of who You are. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


By Don Bowles, Guest Contributor

Jeremiah 10: 10-16

Scripture gives us many insights into the character and being of God. We see in this scripture god as everlasting or eternal. We see Him as the omnipotent Creator of the universe. In His omniscient wisdom, God created the hydrological system by which the rains come to replenish His creation. Jeremiah confirms He is the God of the Covenant with Israel; for “Israel is the tribe of His inheritance.” Psalm 96:13 describes God as judge of all mankind.

There are many scriptures that describe God from a powerful point of view. Yet we can also see god from the perspective of qualities with which we as humans can identify. Let’s look at a few:

  • God grieves – Genesis 6:6
  • God becomes angry – Kings 11:9
  • God is jealous – Exodus 20:5
  • God laughs – Psalm 2:4
  • God loves – 1 John 4:8 – The scripture does not say God loves. It says “God IS love.”

The wonder of all ages is the fact that God cares for each and every one of us. 1 Peter 5:7 – “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” That verse should sink into our minds. We should allow it to be absorbed into our conscious thought patterns. It should be the first thing that enters our hearts when there are problems in our lives.

The God of ALL CREATION cares enough to hear us when we have problems. We can call on Him. We can pray and expect God to hear the cares we have. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO GOD.

Prayer: Lord, when I consider who You are, I tremble in awe before You. You have all authority; but You have chosen to love me not because of who I am; but because of who You are. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.