by Lynette | Mar 25, 2020 | COVID Response, In Our Words
In the midst of this crisis, most of the Gentle Shepherd staff is in the field or working remotely. In lieu of a marketing team meeting today, we received a touching email from Tracie McKenney, our executive director of strategic development and mission advancement. I...
by Lynette | Mar 23, 2020 | COVID Response, Family Caregiving, Uncategorized
This is a time of great uncertainty. It’s natural to feel a wide range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, confusion, or loneliness. It is also a time to take extra care to address your feelings and keep them from paralyzing or overwhelming you. Get the facts....
by Lynette | Mar 17, 2020 | COVID Response, News
As COVID-19 spreads, experts indicate many people will not have or exhibit serious symptoms even if they contract the disease. However, there are two groups of people who are especially at risk, the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions. Older adults and...
by Lynette | Mar 17, 2020 | COVID Response, News, Uncategorized
Gentle Shepherd Hospice continues to closely monitor COVID-19 and following all Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines. Since early in 2020, our multi-disciplinary emergency preparedness response team has been coordinating all operations in accordance with...
by Lynette | Mar 16, 2020 | Family Caregiving
If your loved one snores, this may be a sign of “sleep apnea.” All snoring jokes aside, sleep apnea is a serious condition that deprives the brain of oxygen. A person with sleep apnea goes without oxygen for at least 10 seconds, five to 30 (or more) times...
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