Help prevent choking

Help prevent choking

Swallowing involves the coordination of many muscles in the mouth and throat. The action pushes chewed food down toward the stomach. At the same time, the throat needs to close off the windpipe to the lungs. Between 15% and 20% of older adults have trouble swallowing....
How to beat “decision fatigue”

How to beat “decision fatigue”

Caring for an ill family member often requires taking on the role of “decision maker.” Sometimes it’s multiple mundane decisions (Should you ask your sister to do the shopping? Is this a good day to shower Mom? Now or after lunch?). And sometimes it’s several...
Osteoporosis: What you can do

Osteoporosis: What you can do

If you are concerned about a loved one’s osteoporosis—brittle bones—it’s a good idea to bring this up with the doctor. He or she will likely discuss various medicines that can help. In addition, changes in daily life outlined below can go a long way to...
In Our Words: Fear Not the Unknown

In Our Words: Fear Not the Unknown

Carey Frost-Perdue, Administrative Assistant for Administration, shared some thoughts with staff this afternoon. We thought you might appreciate this as much as we did.   Living in today’s world as of today, is drastically different than what we were used to back in...
What’s in an Alzheimer’s test?

What’s in an Alzheimer’s test?

When symptoms of memory loss or confused thinking arise, it’s natural to wonder: Is it Alzheimer’s? There is no specific test for Alzheimer’s disease. To achieve a diagnosis, doctors typically order a variety of tests. Most of the tests are to rule...