Is Medicare Advantage the best choice?

Is Medicare Advantage the best choice?

Once a year, Medicare offers the option to change plans. In 2021, the Open Enrollment period is October 15–December 7. Your loved one may be considering a switch to a “Medicare Advantage” plan. There are pros and cons. Medicare “Parts.”...
Depression after a scary diagnosis

Depression after a scary diagnosis

If the person you care for has a life-threatening illness, you might think it’s only natural for them to feel down. Even hopeless from time to time.  But weeks of sadness are not a side effect one simply has to tolerate. It is not uncommon for someone with...
Too many pills: When less is more

Too many pills: When less is more

More than half of older adults take five or more medications per day. That’s “polypharmacy,” and can be dangerous. Taking too many medicines can cause problems such as dizziness, mental confusion, and heart failure. It can create an increased risk of...
Managing emotional outbursts

Managing emotional outbursts

If the person you care for has Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, you may find their sudden emotional swings more difficult than their forgetfulness. Among many things, the disease has taken away their inhibitions. They can become quite irrational....
The “dignity of risk”

The “dignity of risk”

One of the most challenging dilemmas when caring for an aging parent is balancing their preference for independence with your concern for their safety.  If you have noticed lapses in cleanliness, meals, bill payment, or other areas, you may be worried that your...