Gentle Shepherd Blog
Our team at Gentle Shepherd Hospice wants you to have the practical information you need to make the most of every day. Check out these helpful articles and devotionals written by Kim Eckenroth our co-founder and VP of patient care.
Dealing with disgust
The emotion of disgust is a natural response. It evolved to protect us from potentially dangerous, scary, or infecting situations. But when it arises in the course of caring for a loved one—you involuntarily gag, for instance—it may cause you both distress. ...
Maybe it’s not Alzheimer’s
"Dementia" is not a diagnosis in and of itself. It describes a collection of symptoms that involve memory and thinking that are enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's is the most common cause, but there are many other reasons a person might have dementia...
Tech support for your relative(s)
Technology has done wonders to help us stay connected with family members. But beginning users have to learn new terms and skills. In-person classes are often available through senior centers or the library. And AARP's AgeTech Collaborative offers online video...
Burn and fire safety
Persons over age 65 are 2.6 times more likely than the general population to die in a home fire. That's alarming! Older adults most often incur burns at home, typically when cooking or bathing. The most common burn injuries are from scalding hot water or flames. ...
Early-onset dementia: Money issues
Finances are bound to be a concern if your spouse has received a diagnosis of dementia before age 65. As in many households, your partner's job may cover important monthly bills. And perhaps essentials such as family health insurance or retirement funding. In...
Making the most of regret
Regret tends to be one of those emotions we'd prefer not to feel. Which is unfortunate, according to researcher Brené Brown. Her point is that "regret can be a fair but tough teacher." If we don't let regret mire us in the past—with self-blame and guilt—then we can...
Acting as a “human guide”
If the person you care for has a low-vision diagnosis, you are likely concerned about their ability to orient themselves and learn to move safely without falling or becoming injured. Many people with low vision rely on the assistance of a "human guide." You may...
Skin care and aging
The skin is the body's largest organ and its essential "armor." To maintain good health, skin needs extra attention as we age. The skin has three layers. Working together, they act as the body's shield by preventing bacteria and viruses from getting...
Positive connections with staff
Your loved one's daily experience in a hospital, rehab, or assisted living community—even at home with paid home help—greatly depends on the aides who care for them. You can help ensure a good experience by building a positive relationship with those staff so they are...
Choosing a “senior tablet”
Much of life's interactions occurs online these days. If your loved one is not tech savvy, has mild dementia, or has little access to support in a facility, you might consider a "senior tablet." They have limitations compared to the typical consumer tablet, but could...
Dementia: Navigating the airport
As exciting as a trip can be, for a person with dementia, the loss of routine is confusing. And the loud, large, busy terminal spaces are often distressing. Too much stimuli! Your job is to keep the process as calm and unhurried as possible. If you are rushing,...
Why Mom doesn’t take her pills
Did your mom teach you to "do what the doctor says"? If she's not following doctor's orders for medications now, you're probably feeling confused. And concerned. It's common for patients not to take pills as directed. Some typical reasons: "It's too...