Gentle Shepherd Blog

Our team at Gentle Shepherd Hospice wants you to have the practical information you need to make the most of every day. Check out these helpful articles and devotionals written by Kim Eckenroth our co-founder and VP of patient care.

The value of nostalgia

The value of nostalgia

Nostalgia has historically gotten a bad rap, viewed as a precursor to feelings of sadness and longing. Emotional downers. Today we know that’s a faulty assumption. Research shows that nostalgia typically brightens mood. This is because nostalgia helps us in many ways.

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Lightening Bugs at Sunset

Lightening Bugs at Sunset

Kim Eckenroth, MS, APRN, FNP-C, our co-founder and vice president overseeing patient care, often writes devotionals for our staff. We thought you might also appreciate them, so we created a special section on our blog to share them with you. We hope they touch your...

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What is an occupational therapist?

What is an occupational therapist?

Eating, dressing, getting in and out of a chair. In the course of daily life, we use many skills to accomplish even “simple” tasks. Walking or using a fork is surprisingly complex. Nerve signals and muscles have to coordinate in a very specific order. A healthy body is a marvel!

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Fighting Parkinson’s with exercise

Fighting Parkinson’s with exercise

If your loved one has Parkinson’s disease, you have likely observed physical symptoms such as tremors, slowed movement, and poor balance. In addition to treatment with medication, evidence is mounting that exercise itself can reduce or delay progression of these symptoms. Even as little as 2.5 hours of physical activity a week.

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Keeping your marbles: reducing dementia risk

Keeping your marbles: reducing dementia risk

While there is no cure as yet, there is increasing evidence that lifestyle changes in middle age may do a lot to delay the onset of memory loss. The plaques and tangles of Alzheimer’s, for instance, appear to start accumulating in the brain decades before symptoms show up.

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“Spiritual” advance directive

“Spiritual” advance directive

Every adult needs to complete an advance directive (and that means you, too!). It is the health care planning document that medical professionals follow if a patient becomes too ill to speak for him or herself. It gives your loved one the option to name someone as decision maker. And it is the place he or she can state preferences regarding life-sustaining treatment.

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If you are carrying a heavy burden today, or a worry or fear, this offers a great visual of releasing this trial to the Lord. In nature, we can find some of the best illustrations of God’s promises and tender watch care over our lives.

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