Gentle Shepherd Blog

Our team at Gentle Shepherd Hospice wants you to have the practical information you need to make the most of every day. Check out these helpful articles and devotionals written by Kim Eckenroth our co-founder and VP of patient care.

Is it Alzheimer’s?

Is it Alzheimer’s?

When your father struggles to remember a grandchild’s name, should you be concerned? Older adults typically have some memory loss. People with Alzheimer’s disease, however, experience very specific changes in their thinking that go beyond the normal forgetfulness of...

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Finding Root

Finding Root

by Kim C. Eckenroth MS, APRN, FNP-C Vice President for Patient Care Services   The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. (Psalms 18:2) In June...

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In Our Words — God Had Plans for Me

In Our Words — God Had Plans for Me

By Denise Smith, Gentle Shepherd Hospice Services Representative I came to Gentle Shepherd Hospice at a time in my nursing home marketing career when I felt like I seriously needed to make a change. There were many days I cried on the way to work. One such morning, I...

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Menagerie of Life

Menagerie of Life

by Kim Eckenroth Vice President of Patient Care Services, Gentle Shepherd Hospice   Meet Lillian and Lilly... the “Lucky Ducks” who have joined the Gentle Shepherd family. Earlier this spring during a Tractor Supply run, I came across a gentleman selling these...

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Meet Mr. and Mrs. Bailey

When Mr. Bailey proposed to his girlfriend, Sharon, almost 30 years ago, the two decided to not “rush into things." They have known each other for over 50 years and had a wonderful friendship before their romance begun. Years went by and the couple was happy with the...

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