You are not alone.

Patient-centered hospice care in Roanoke, VA and Lynchburg, VA.

We’ll be with you every step of the way… only  phone call away. And a ton of helpful information is always available to you with our free online family caregiver resource that offers answers, guidance and support. 

Our mission and purpose is to provide our patients with the best hospice care available in a manner that exemplifies Christ’s ministry while he was on earth. This has always been our philosophy and practice, and it is our continued commitment and promise to you.

In everything we do, our staff and care teams strive to provide the very best hospice care available in our community. At all times, YOU are the focus of all our efforts. We hope you never hesitate to call us or speak up about your needs. We are here 24/7 every single day. Call us anytime at 800-789-0586.

      We're Here to Help

      Please call 800-789-0586 or send an email.

      Expect more from us. We do.


      Your desires, your comfort, your legacy. How you spend your final days… YOUR choice.


      Caring and comforting you and your family in a manner that exemplifies the ministry of Jesus.


      A dedicated hospice care team to develop and implement a personalized care plan.

      Recent Blog Posts

      Minimizing the financial impact of caregiving

      Is caring for a loved one beginning to feel like a wallop to your wallet? AARP estimates that family caregivers spend an average of $7,242 out-of-pocket each year. Your family member's needs may also force you to reduce work hours or quit your job, affecting your...

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      Creating a dementia-friendly home

      Imagine living in a home you've known for years but that suddenly feels unfamiliar and confusing. This is the reality for many people with cognitive impairment. If you care for someone with dementia, you may be wondering how to help them continue living at home as...

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      Creating a safe mail system

      Junk mail creates an annoying and potentially dangerous situation for older adults, especially if they have dementia or mild cognitive impairment. It's not just about clutter; important bills or tax notices can get overlooked, leading to missed payments or double...

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