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Are generic drugs inferior?

If your relative is taking brand-name prescription drugs, a switch to generic could provide significant savings.

Why are brand-name drugs so expensive?

It takes a lot of money and time to develop a new drug. In particular, it must be tested to show it works and is safe for humans. Patent laws give an innovator company 10 to 20 years to sell the drug with no competition. When the patent expires, any company can develop the generic equivalent. It is less expensive because they don’t have to repeat the testing.

The Food and Drug Administration approves both brand-name and generic drugs. The two medicines are identical in

Brand-name and generic drugs are different in

The biggest difference is cost. Generic drugs cost about 66%–85% less than their brand-name equivalents.  

Is there a downside to generics? Not generally. Some consumers in online forums write that the generic has not worked as well. But there is no scientific evidence or study to explain or support these personal reports. Others mention more or different side effects. There may be some validity to this. Pharmaceutical companies are always looking to reduce side effects. Perhaps the latest version has a new twist that is enough to make it easier for your loved one to take. With no generic version available, this brand-name update might be worth the extra cost.

Consult with the doctor or pharmacist if you are considering a switch.

Worried about the high cost of medicines?
You are not alone. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice hear the concerns of many families around this issue. To explore cost-saving options, give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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