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Too much gratitude?

The benefits of gratitude are well understood. Studies show, for example, that approaching life from a grateful stance yields a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, and better sleep. Plus, people who report more gratitude also report greater feelings of joy, aliveness, and optimism. Those who tend toward gratitude experience less loneliness and isolation and greater compassion.

So why hold back on giving thanks?

At its heart, gratitude helps us maintain perspective. We see the larger picture. We avoid getting fixated on small annoyances. Saying “thank you” reinforces our sense of interconnectedness. It helps us recognize that we are not alone with our problems.

But forced or misplaced gratitude can undermine our overall well-being. For instance:

In this season of gratitude, we wish you many genuine moments of appreciation. And if you find that some exchanges seem out of balance, it may be time to get some help. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice are positioned to lighten your load and help you restore balance. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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