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The “Sandwich Generation”

The "Sandwich Generation"

Elderly parents are living longer. Children are often dependent for more years than expected. Add to this the ongoing responsibilities to spouse/partner and jobs, and there is little wiggle room for the millions of family caregivers who find themselves squeezed in the middle as the “Sandwich Generation.”

When you are pressed on both sides like this, it’s easy to feel guilty and lose sight of the joy in your life. To reduce guilt, support your resilience, and make sandwich caregiving more gratifying, look for easy ways to dedicate some quality time on a regular basis to each of your key relationships—including with yourself!

Are you feeling squeezed in the middle?
You aren’t alone! As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice notice that the pandemic has resulted in many more multigenerational households. Parents are needing care, and adult children are moving back in. We understand how complicated it can get! Let us help you relieve the pressure. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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