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The healing power of music

The healing power of music

Can listening to calming music actually ease pain? Can singing silly songs make you happier? Researchers say this isn’t just a folktale—it represents some of the measurable effects of music on the mind and body.

Although it’s not yet clear exactly how music works its magic, studies show that it is strong medicine, both in the moment and as treatment over time. Among the benefits, music

Bringing music into your loved one’s life is simple.

You can also ask the doctor about music therapy.
Much like physical therapists, music therapists work to relieve pain or support physical or mental healing, which they accomplish by guiding patients through musical experiences. Music therapy is most often available in clinics, hospitals, rehab facilities, and through hospice. It may be covered by Medicare.

Are you finding yourself stressed as a family caregiver?
Caring for a loved one can be extremely stressful! As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice often receive a call when the family is just at the point of breaking. Don’t wait until you are in crisis! Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free). We can help ease the load.

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