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Serving as a special needs trustee

A “special needs trust” (SNT) is typically created to provide financial support for a disabled individual. Aging parents of a person with Down syndrome might create an SNT to provide for their child’s needs after they have died. 

The SNT trustee must manage the endowment to benefit the person with special needs over time. The trustee can be a family member or a professional attorney or trust officer. Often a savvy professional is hired even if a family member is a trustee. The professional provides investment guidance and ensures that funds released by the trust don’t jeopardize eligibility for public benefits (for example, money released for education might cause them to lose their Medicaid coverage).

The responsibilities of an SNT trustee include:

While it is an honor to be chosen, if you are asked to be the trustee for a family member, talk with an SNT attorney and ask yourself:

Do you have a relative with a special needs trust?

As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice understand the pull to help in any way that you can. Being a trustee is an immense responsibility and is not recommended unless you have professional assistance for the many mandated tasks. You don’t have to do this alone. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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