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Senior centers: Worth a fresh look

Senior centers: Worth a fresh look

Even pre-COVID, many 90-year-olds adamantly refused to go to a senior center, saying they didn’t want to be around “all those old people.” (!)

Does this sound like your loved one?

Admittedly, the senior centers of the past tended to focus on bingo and crafts. These activities are of limited interest to the newest generation of older adults.

Happily, senior centers have been updating. Bingo and crafts are still there. But the upswing in technology use during COVID catapulted many centers into the 21st century. They had to update their delivery platforms so older adults could participate from a distance. They also revamped their offerings to appeal to the “younger old.”

If the person you care for has resisted the senior center, propose having a coffee if there’s a café. Or sign up for a field trip to the theater and go together. These are low-commitment ways to let them get a fresh sense of the center and overcome any outdated impressions.

Concerned about a loved one’s isolation?
COVID brought awareness of its hazards front and center. We at Gentle Shepherd Hospice have been impressed at the many ways senior centers stepped up to the plate. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg expert in family caregiving, we encourage you to check out their new offerings. You (and your loved one) might be happily surprised. If isolation is a worry, give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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