Site icon Gentle Shepherd Hospice | Hospice Care In Roanoke, VA and Lynchburg, VA

Positive connections with staff

Your loved one’s daily experience in a hospital, rehab, or assisted living community—even at home with paid home help—greatly depends on the aides who care for them. You can help ensure a good experience by building a positive relationship with those staff so they are inclined to go the extra mile, even on a bad day (theirs or your loved one’s).

Concerned about your loved one’s care?

The best way to improve care of your loved one is to genuinely show interest in the daily caregiving staff. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice know it can be frustrating to deal with the quirks of paid help. The best way to get the best from the staff, however, is to build rapport. Want ideas for improving care, even lodging a complaint if necessary? Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free). We can serve as your relative’s advocate.

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