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Managing pain with music

Managing pain with music

Here’s a prescription for pain relief: the sound of music.

Pain is very real. It is also a perception. How strongly we feel pain at any given time depends a good deal on our thoughts and mood. Music has a profound influence on both. Indeed, research shows that using music as therapy can reduce the experience of pain.

For immediate relief of sudden pain, music therapists suggest music with a strong, positive rhythm or lyrics. Maybe tunes from a favorite musical or an upbeat instrumental composition. Such attention-getting music provides a good distraction and stimulates release of the body’s natural painkillers.

For relief from chronic pain, soothing music has proven to be the best. In this type of therapy, a chosen piece is played over and over again. While the music is playing, the listener practices relaxation techniques. After a period of such “conditioning,” just hearing the music cues a deep sense of ease.

You can help your loved one try music therapy at home.

Is the person you care for in pain?
As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice know how pain can color everything! Mood, relationships, appetite, stamina. If pain is dominating your family experience, give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free). Let’s start the conversation.

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