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Living with cancer as a chronic condition

Living with cancer as a chronic condition

Has your loved one been diagnosed with cancer? The vast majority (67%) of people with cancer live for another five years or more.

A cancer is considered “stable” or “controlled” when tumors shrink or at least temporarily stop growing. This is not the same as being cured—no tumors—but it does make cancer more of a manageable chronic disease, like diabetes or asthma.

Learning to live with cancer. Ideally, when cancer becomes chronic, the survivor learns to take it on as simply another aspect of life. A return to “the way it was” isn’t likely. For example, their daily or weekly schedule may now need to accommodate dietary changes, treatment sessions, or a rigid medication protocol. But there can be a happy and fulfilling “new normal” for months or years. Here are some tips to help your loved one adjust (and you too, as a family member).

Does your loved one have cancer?
As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice know how difficult cancer can be, with many ups and downs. If you would like help navigating the impact on your family, give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free). You don’t have to do this alone.

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