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Lessons from the seriously ill

Lessons from the seriously ill

A long-time hospice nurse—someone deeply committed to caring for the seriously ill—created this list of the top five deathbed regrets she frequently observed in her patients. She vowed to take these lessons to heart. Do any of these ring true for you?

It never hurts to stop and take stock of your life. Use any regrets as a springboard for future action, bringing your deepest priorities and personal values to the fore.

Are you living according to your values?
As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice notice that family members have a unique opportunity to grasp the big picture. What does quality of life truly mean to you? Let us help you arrange your responsibilities so you can focus on what’s truly important in your life. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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