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Is Medicare Advantage the best choice?

Is Medicare Advantage the best choice?

Once a year, Medicare offers the option to change plans. In 2021, the Open Enrollment period is October 15–December 7. Your loved one may be considering a switch to a “Medicare Advantage” plan. There are pros and cons.

Medicare “Parts.” People on “original Medicare” typically receive hospital coverage (Part A) and doctor care (Part B). In addition, they pay a yearly deductible and the 20% that Medicare does not cover. Or they purchase a supplemental plan, often called “Medigap” coverage. In either case, a prescription drug plan (Part D) is needed too. Medigap and Part D must be purchased from private insurance companies.

Medicare Advantage (MA) is another alternative. It bundles everything together. MA plans are offered by private insurers and vary widely.

On the plus side, MA plans

On the down side, MA plans

Contrast MA with Medigap. If your relative prefers paying the same fee each month, regardless of usage, original Medicare with Medigap is the better choice. A note of caution: If your relative leaves a Medigap policy, there is no guarantee of return. Existing medical conditions may cause premiums to skyrocket. Or block coverage altogether.

Has Open Enrollment left you cross-eyed?

There is no doubt that the Medicare plan choices are boggling. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg expert in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice understand how much you juggle as you care for your loved one. You don’t have to do this alone. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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