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If you are not the primary caregiver

If you are not the primary caregiver

If someone else in your family has primary responsibility for the care of your loved one, that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to contribute. Far from it! Caring for an older adult is more than one person can do alone. There are many ways to lend a hand (even if you don’t live nearby).


“My sister would never go for that!” The biggest complaint in many families is that the primary caregiver is so particular, it’s impossible to help. True. They may have trouble letting go of control. As long as there is nothing medically dangerous about what you propose, however, you may need to assert yourself and express your right to participate in your parent’s care in your own style.

If you get resistance, consider a facilitated family meeting. Family dynamics are decades old. A counselor, social worker, or care manager can guide a conversation constructively. Families are an ecosystem and each member inhabits a niche. It will be better for your loved one, and for you and your siblings, if everyone has a chance to contribute, each in their own way.

Do your family roles seem locked in place?
They have been finely honed since childhood. But that doesn’t mean things can’t shift to be more appropriate to family needs when mom and dad require help in their older years. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice can help you rebalance the roles. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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