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Getting out of the mental spin cycle

Do you find yourself in a repetitive cycle of reliving an exchange over and over? Reflecting on experiences gone badly is one way we learn. We think about what happened and look for insights that might promote a positive outcome in a similar situation next time.

But sometimes reflection can be unhealthy. If you find yourself in a memory loop continuously going over a negative experience, it may be more rumination than reflection. Instead of finding a way toward closure, it can be more like picking an emotional scab and not letting the wound heal.

Research suggests that a process of self-distancing can help us gather useful insights without getting stuck in a quagmire of replays. Try this:

Caught in a loop?
Especially with family members, it’s easy to get stuck in old patterns as events trigger well-worn dynamics. At Gentle Shepherd Hospice we understand how “getting unhooked” might become a higher priority at the end of life. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we can help you gain a fresh perspective. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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