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Gather important documents

Assemble this crucial paperwork now to save yourself headaches and roadblocks during a crisis.

If you are the person most likely to step in if your loved one is unable to get to the bills—a hospitalization, dementia—you need to get oriented. And organized!

It’s easy to lose track of paperwork, especially someone else’s. Professionals recommend gathering important documents in a file or binder for safekeeping. Put that in a locked and fireproof location. Consider a small home safe. Or a safe deposit box at the bank.

Assembling this packet with your relative’s help ensures that you know about all the accounts that exist. (It’s never too early to put this information together. One never knows when a serious problem might arise!)

Following is a checklist of top-priority health and financial documents. Make sure you have the signed originals. Copies may not be legally accepted. 

If it feels awkward to approach your relative for such personal information, mention this article. You’re just following through on an important recommendation!

Are you the stand-in for financial tasks?
Finances can often be a sensitive topic. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice can help you broach the subject of getting prepared in case you need to step in. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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