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Friends? Who has time?

Friends? Who has time?

If you are like most family caregivers, your social life has dropped in priority as you juggle your loved one’s needs. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up all your friendships in addition to your family responsibilities.

It may also be that friendships are now harder to keep. Many people don’t understand the pressures of caregiving. They may tire of hearing about your challenges and drift away. Or you may feel awkward talking about your concerns, rendering relationships less fulfilling. That’s its own kind of loneliness.

Even if you live with the person you care for, you may feel isolated. In fact, a prepandemic report noted that 29% of family caregivers who live with their relative feel lonely, as compared to 16% of those who live separately. The social restrictions of COVID have made that isolation even more pronounced.

What you can do

Are you feeling isolated?

As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, let us assure you that you are not alone! At Gentle Shepherd Hospice, we frequently work with family members who have cut off all contact except what is needed for the care of their relative. Understandable, but not healthy. Let us help you find time so you can reconnect with friends and your noncaregiving self. Socializing is not a luxury. Your well-being depends on it, as does the well-being of your loved one. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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