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Dad lost weight!

A holiday visit sometimes reveals surprising changes, such as little food in the cupboard, a loved one’s loss of appetite, or his or her unexpected weight loss.

Talk with the doctor first. A weight loss of 5% over 6–12 months is considered worthy of medical attention. (For a 130-pound woman, that would be seven pounds. For a 200-pound man, that would be 10 pounds.) About 75% of the time there is a medical reason, so have the doctor check it out.

But then there’s the 25% of the time when it’s not a medical problem.

Eating is a multifaceted activity. It certainly satisfies feelings of hunger. But it is also a taste sensation, a cultural activity, a reminder of our tie to times past, and sometimes a social activity. It also requires the ability to shop and to cook.

Check out these possible reasons for unexplained weight loss, and their remedies.

Access to food

Appetite and eating

Memory loss can result in forgetting how to cook, not recognizing hunger pains, or not cooking out of fear of leaving the stove on. Consider having microwavable meals prepared and delivered.

Overuse of alcohol leads to loss of appetite and malnutrition. But a bit of alcohol with a meal can stimulate appetite. Strive for balance.

Have you noticed a sudden loss of weight?
As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice understand how scary this can seem. But we can also help with solutions for those nonmedical causes. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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