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Could medicines be the culprit?

Could medicines be the culprit?

If your loved one has balance problems, the culprit may be in the medicine. Many common medicines have side effects that can impair balance and lead to a fall. Over 40% of persons age 65 and older take five medications or more. This increases the chance that at least one of the drugs has side effects of dizziness, blurry vision, drowsiness, or muscle weakness. Or affects balance sensors in the inner ear. More medications also create the potential for a drug-to-drug interaction that leads to a fall.

Medicines known to increase the risk of falls include

If your loved one has fallen or seems unstable on their feet, ask the doctor or a pharmacist for a medication review. They may suggest some of the following strategies:

Do NOT make these decisions on your own. It is important to have the doctor or a pharmacist review all medications and over-the-counter drugs, because they will know which ones to target and the safest way to make changes.

Are you worried about a possible fall?
If you think your loved one is at risk, best to be proactive. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice observe that a fall often results in the need for more care and a loss of independence. Let us help. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free).

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