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Age-friendly kitchen

Aging creates so many “new normals.” Even routine activities such as cooking may become challenging for your loved one. Balance issues can make reaching, bending, or lifting a problem. Arthritis often makes it difficult to maneuver pans and tools, turn on a faucet, or twist off lids. Extreme fatigue may sap overall motivation. And problems with memory increase the risk of a kitchen fire.

Consider these revisions to create an age-friendly kitchen.

Does a remodel seem in order?
If the person you care for wants to continue living independently, a kitchen remodel might be a wise choice. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice have seen that sometimes even simple changes or rearrangements can make a world of difference. If you follow principles of “universal design,” the layout will be easier for everyone, not just a person with physical challenges. Give us a call at 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free) to discuss a home assessment.

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