Site icon Gentle Shepherd Hospice | Hospice Care In Roanoke, VA and Lynchburg, VA

Add a dose of laughter to your life

Don’t you just somehow feel better when you laugh? It turns out, that’s not just fantasy.

Laughter has physical benefits at the cellular level. Research consistently demonstrates that a good belly laugh engages many different systems in the body.

And laughter delivers emotional health benefits as well.

Studies show that laughter

Want more laughter in your life?

Or, just plain start laughing. Whether you’re laughing at someone’s joke or laughing for no reason at all, your body responds the same.

Laughter is good medicine. And it’s free!

Is laughter in short supply?
If so, chances are you are doing too much. As the Roanoke and Lynchburg experts in family caregiving, we at Gentle Shepherd Hospice see many family members over-burdened, burning their candle at both ends. If it feels like a luxury to laugh, it’s time to re-evaluate. Give us a call to learn how we might help: 1-800-789-0586 (toll-free)

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